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In July of 2022 several active and retired Federal, State, and Administrative court judges from the Chicagoland area formed the Order of Themis hosting an epic inaugural event.  The founding members recognized that individually, members of the Hellenic community on the bench had achieved amazing accolades.  They also recognized however, that collectively as an organization they could accomplish so much more.  They envisioned an organization that promotes the ideals and cultural of Hellenism, preserves the independence of the judiciary, respects the rule of law, and most importantly the need to increase the members of the Hellenic and Philhellenic community on the bench.  


In their first year as an organization, three new members were appointed or elected to the bench. In September of 2023 the Order of Themis will be a sponsor of the National Judicial College Renaissance III program for a four-day judicial conference in Athens, Greece hosting judges from across the country and Greece.  This will serve as an introduction to the formation of a judicial exchange program. 



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